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Saturday, October 31, 2015

Publications go digital, but readers stick to print: NBC News Report

A NBC News report.

As Comics Go Digital, Readers Stick to Print

Many print publications are transitioning to digital. Midtown Comics co-owner, Gerry Gladston and other comic book enthusiasts tell us why print thrives in the world of comics."

Source: NBC News

Friday, October 30, 2015

Global Tablet Market in Decline

Yes, it's now several quarters in a row that tablets sales are declining.

Some folks will point out that it's obvious, decline is because most people out there already own one. But the problem is that manufacturers like Apple make money out of the sales of tablets, not out of the folks owning one already.

Apps don't generate much money. If apps were generating serious cash, Apple would develop tons of them, acquire startups and so on. Instead they develop apps that are solely intended to sell hardware, period. So the real question is: how long will a manufacturer support a device that doesn't generate money, once sold...?

Full report on Statista web site:

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

DeLorean Model DMC-12 Recall

Rappel | DeLorean modèle DMC-12
Transport Canada publie un avis de rappel sur certains modèles DeLorean, dont le système de voyage dans le temps pourrait se détraquer.
Avis de rappel -- Transport Canada

Recall | DeLorean DMC-12
Transport Canada just issued a recall notice regarding some DeLorean models, as its time travel engine can potentially become unstable.
Recall notice -- Transport Canada

Monday, October 19, 2015

Difference Engine no.2 -- Victorian Super Computer

Meet Difference Engine No. 2, the first automatic calculating machine, a super computer designed in 1871 by Charles Babbage.

Mr. Babbage never got to build the computer because lack of financing, but in 2002, a London society built it based on Charles' original plans. And the 8,000 parts, 5 tons, 11 foot long machine works like a beauty!

A second machine has been built in 2008, and is currently on display at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Comiccon de Québec - Jour 2

It's a wrap!

Bien aimé le Comiccon de Québec, et je planifie certainement d'y revenir l'an prochain.

On va avoir les chiffres officiels sous peu via la page Facebook du Comiccon, mais il y a eu plusieurs milliers de visiteurs. De quoi rendre un exposant heureux...Toutes les infos sur la page officielle

Merci à toute l'équipe du Comiccon!

Quelques photos, et l'extraordinaire Marie-Claude Bourbonnais avec un robot qu'elle a fabriqué dans son propre atelier...

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Comiccon de Québec - Jour 1

Oh yes, c'est parti pour le Comiccon de Québec!

Même le petit chaperon rouge est venu chercher sa copie de mon comic Monsters and Models!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Ce week-end, le Comiccon de Québec! On y est!

Oh yes! Je prépares mes trucs pour me rendre au Comiccon de Québec! Des comics, encore des comics, des affiches, cartes, DVDs et quelques autres cossins...

Aussi - enfin! - des livres de Dany Dagenais, mon complice de toujours. Venez chercher vos copies au kiosque, on sera là toute la fin de semaine.

Sinon, le Comiccon de Québec sera animé cette année! Avec la présence de Lou Ferrigno, Raymond Rougeau, Marie-Claude Bourbonnais et autres noms de haut calibre, la fin de semaine s'annonce intense.

Ce sera ma première présence au Comiccon de Québec, et probablement pas la dernière. J'ai commencé récemment à sortir des versions française de mes livres, donc le marché du Québec sera plus ouvert!

On se voit là-bas!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Luc Besson Is Filming Valerian - Calls For Costume Designers!

Enter the Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets costume contest!

"EuropaCorp has teamed up with Yahoo Style on a global search for innovative and original costume design to appear in the upcoming science fiction epic Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, starring Dane DeHaan, Cara Delevingne, and Clive Owen. Together, EuropaCorp and Yahoo Style will launch a design contest that invites artists to submit their original designs for use in the film, which begins shooting in Europe in January 2016. Check out the video below to see Besson himself tell you about the film and the contest, and check out the official Yahoo Style contest page!

“’Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets’ encompasses a diverse array of characters from all parts of the universe,” said writer/director Luc Besson, “I believe the world we live in is filled with people from all walks of life who possess an abundance of creativity and untapped potential. My hope is that by offering a contest like this to artists worldwide, we will gain access to inspired and original creations from a plethora of fresh perspectives, and the film will benefit from this collaboration.”

The contest, which will launch on Yahoo Style on October 7, 2015, runs through November 27, 2015. Editor in Chief of Yahoo Style, Joe Zee, will serve as one of the judges, along with the film’s writer/director Luc Besson and costume designer Olivier Bériot who will choose up to twenty winners whose designs will appear in the film. Winners will be announced on December 14, 2015."

Visit Yahoo Style for contest details!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Loved Mad Max Fury Road? Two More Mad Max Coming!

Great news!!
Mad Max: Fury Road's director George Miller confirmed he's preparing with Warner Bros. two more films from the Mad Max franchise!

Since Geprge Miller has created Mad Max over thirty years ago, he's still having plenty of material to come up with exciting movies, and that material won't fall into oblivion. At least two scripts are ready, out of the outlines Miller has drafted for Fury Road but were left aside.

Before stepping back in the Wasteland action, George Miller pointed he'd like to do something else, shoot something different, breathe fresh air, and then come back for another high adrenalyn injection.

More info here: